Sindbad the Sailor & Other Stories From the Arabian Nights

DULAC, Edmund


DULAC, Edmund Sindbad the Sailor & Other Stories From the Arabian Nights

Hodder & Stoughton, 1914.

First edition. 4to. Tan cloth with blue floral decoration to background and gilt titles and gilt design of a ship in full sail passing before a Persian Palace. Decorative endpapers. This copy is still housed in the original glassine and the publisher's card box, which has a colour plate on the upper cover. This is a beautifully designed book with twenty three lovely colour plates mounted within a decorative border and protected by a captioned tissue guard. Each page of text has the same decorative border. A fine copy, remarkably clean and bright.

Stories included are Sindbad the Sailor, Aladdin and The Wonderful Lamp, The Story of Three Calendars and The Sleeper Awakened.

Stock ID: 44798


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