The Archive of Horace J. Knowles

Comprehensive Archive of manuscripts, Artwork, Books and Sketches

KNOWLES, Horace J.

KNOWLES, Horace J. The Archive of Horace J. Knowles Comprehensive Archive of manuscripts, Artwork, Books and Sketches


The surviving archive of golden age illustrator Horace J. Knowles. Comprising over 1,200 original water colours and line illustrations for his published work, preparatory drawings, and sketch-books, as well as his own copies of his illustrated books. Including complete original manuscripts for his fully illustrated books, including Peeps into Fairyland, The Legend of Glastonbury, Countryside Treasures and My First Book Of Prayers. Included are signed books, variants, calendars, designs for theatre and cards and more.

A complete illustrated catalogue of the archive is available, please contact us for details.

Stock ID: 44877


To order this book, please call us on +44 (0)1491 576427 or send us a message using the contact form for more information.

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