GOBLE, Warwick

(1862 - 1943)
“ Goble … delights us”

Warwick Goble was born in London, educated and trained at the City of London School and the Westminster School of Art.  He had a love of travelling, and spent much of his time in the Orient and India, where the vibrant colours and costumes fascinated him.  His work was much sought after to illustrate periodicals and journals, but in 1909 MacMillan published Charles Kingsley’s Water Babies with colour illustrations by Goble, where his accomplished watercolour technique, Japanese-influenced style and use of brilliant colour were perfect for the creation of this beautiful gift book - critics and public alike raved about the sumptuous publication.  A contemporary reviewer wrote “Goble in his thirty-two beautiful colour plates … delights us.  He has given us sand and sea, fish and fairies which captivate us at once; for delicacy of colouring and grace of line he has bettered his best, and the volume is a continuous pleasure.” (Bookman 1909)

Over the following few years Goble produced a series of Gift books, including Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales (1910)Stories From the Pentamarone (1911), Folk Tales of Bengal (1912) and The Fairy Book (1913) all in surprisingly short print runs and many with an Oriental or Indian theme.

Please scroll down to see our collection of Warwick Goble first editions.

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Warwick GOBLE

Books by this author

The Complete Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer

CHAUCER, Geoffrey


Stories From the Pentamerone

GOBLE, Warwick


Original Watercolour - "A Legend of Kwannon"

GOBLE, Warwick
