The Works of William Makepeace Thackary

With Biographical Introductions by his Daughter, Anne Ritche, in twenty-six volumes.

THACKERAY, William Makepeace

THACKERAY, William Makepeace The Works of William Makepeace Thackary With Biographical Introductions by his Daughter, Anne Ritche, in twenty-six volumes.

Harper & Brothers, 1899.

Twenty six volumes. Limited to 491 copies, of which this number is 337. Quarto. Bound in brown half morocco over red buckram cloth. Raised bands with gilt titles and decoration on the spine, top edge gilt and marbled end papers. Each volume is illustrated throughout with both black and white and coloured plates, both illustrations and photographs, with frequent line drawings in the text. Title printed in red and black. A very good set with slightly faded spines and occasional slight wear to the corners. Dampstaining to the boards of vols 5, 18 and 24.

Stock ID: 45903


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