Considerations on Representative Government

MILL, John Stuart

MILL, John Stuart Considerations on Representative Government

Parker, Son and Bourn, 1861.

First edition. 8vo. Original publisher's slight brown cloth lettered in gilt to the spine with blind decorative borders to the covers. A near fine copy with short splits to the joints at the head and trivial wear to the corners and spine ends, but otherwise a bright, crisp copy. Ownership signatures to the front endpaper, internally fresh. Housed in a cloth chemise and box.

Mill's most substantial work on institutional politics and after On Liberty, his work with the longest shadow of influence. In it he discusses the optimum form for a government and how its powers should be structured to best represent the electorate. Central to his thesis is his support for proportional representation, in particular the single transferable vote.
"a wide-ranging book, and its interest lies as much in the discussion of general principles as in the particular recommendations regarding the ballot, proportional representation, and plural voting, not to mention the treatment of local government, federalism, and nationality" (International Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences)

Stock ID: 45494


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