Lord of the Flies

GOLDING, William

GOLDING, William Lord of the Flies

Faber, 1954.

First edition. Original red cloth with white lettering on spine in pictorial dustwrapper. A fine copy, with some foxing to the preliminary leaves in a fine dustwrapper, bright and crisp with just the slightest wear to the corners and foxing to the flaps. A superb copy.

The author's classic first novel now regarded one of the foremost pieces of twentieth century literature. Supposedly lifted from R.M. Ballantyne's Coral Island, its plot is set apart by Golding's subtle portrayal of base human nature in the form of corruption and barbarism, which was very much for its time. Unlike the Victorian flights of fancy, Golding suggests the exotic beast, far from being out there to be tamed is a state of human nature waiting to take over.
Such well preserved copies are now very seldom encountered.

Stock ID: 45157


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