The Ladder and the Tree

GOLDING, William

GOLDING, William The Ladder and the Tree

Privately Printed; Marlborough College Press, 1961.

First and sole edition. Single quire. Original Cambridge blue stapled wrappers with black lettering. Woodblock frontispiece by J. Pritchard. Staples slightly rusty, though less than usual, otherwise a fine copy.

By a long way Golding's scarcest work.
"First printed in 'The Listener', this pamphlet was commissioned by E. G. H. Kempson, and executed by L. J. Randle (now printer at the Whittington Press - this being his first piece of printing). Mrs Kempson recalls that only 20 or 30 copies were printed, though John Randle suggests that the figure may have been closer to 100." - Gekoski & Grogan.

Stock ID: 41913


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