Sense and Sensibility:

A Novel


AUSTEN, Jane Sense and Sensibility: A Novel

Egerton, 1813.

Second edition. Three volumes, duodecimo (191 × 113 mm). Contemporary brown half calf over marbled boards. Spines in compartments separated by gilt rules, black morocco labels lettered in gilt. Page edges uncut and text block unpressed. A very good set. Each volume neatly rebacked, preserving the original spine. Some sporadic foxing to pages, but an authentic, tall copy rarely encountered in a strictly contemporary binding. Housed in chemise and quarter morocco slipcase.

Sense and Sensibility was first published in late 1811, and the first edition was sold out by July 1813. This second edition, which saw significant revision of the text by Austen and the substitution of "By the author of Pride and Prejudice" for "By a Lady" on the title page, appeared in October 1813. Austen received her copy on November 6, and wrote to her sister Cassandra, "My 2nd Edit. has stared me in the face… I cannot help hoping that many will feel themselves obliged to buy it. I shall not mind imagining it a disagreeable duty to them, so as they do it" (Gilson, p. 16).

Gilson A1

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