Autograph Letter Signed to Merle Taylor

KING, Jessie M.

Autograph Letter Signed to Merle Taylor - ,


Four sided of hand-written letter signed from Jessie M. King to her daughter Merle. Together with the original postal envelope. The letter is in very good clean condition, the envelope has some wear.

Letter which begins, "My dearest Merle," discusses health concerns, "I am a ringed animal, but so far not smelling like a pole cat" and tells an anecdote of an amusing train journey in which she travelled in a carriage with a large, Polish lady, "who looked like a lion" whose large hat boxes all but filled the carriage and who insisted that Jessie tried on the hats, "24 of them: I looked as funny in them as I used to do in Aunt Ada's."

Stock ID: 45550


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Autograph Letter Signed to Merle Taylor - ,

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