Ulysses: An Original Watercolour

From Tennyson's Guinevere and Other Poems

HARRISON, Florence

Ulysses: An Original Watercolour - ,

Original ink and watercolour on paper. 15.5cm x 23cm. Harrison's monogram to the lower left hand corner. Mounted and framed. A beautifully clean and bright image.

Harrison provided only 24 colour plates for Tennyson's Guinevere, and there were more images of adult men than in any other book illustrated by her. This image of Ulysses as an old man depicts him to be proud and self confident "The colours of the water mix and flow. The sea-spray dashing across the bow of his boat.. [is].. reinforced by the white of his beard as it whips in the wind. His intent is clear... he will not give up." Sandy Hargrove [Florence Harrison: A Case of Mistaken Identity]

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Ulysses: An Original Watercolour - ,

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