The Memoirs of George Sherston

Memoirs Of A Fox-Hunting Man; Memoirs Of An Infantry Officer; Sherston's Progress

SASSOON, Siegfried

SASSOON, Siegfried The Memoirs of George Sherston Memoirs Of A Fox-Hunting Man; Memoirs Of An Infantry Officer; Sherston's Progress

Doubleday, Doran, 1937.

First American collected edition. Publisher's red cloth, lettered and decorated black and gilt, in the pictorial dustwrapper by Haberstock. Inscribed by Sassoon for Beryl and Eileen Hunter, "Beryl and Eileen for their collection of S. S. editions" to first blank. Also with Sassoon's additional annotation "(For this Americanism in book production!)" to the foot of prefatory note. A very good copy in a very good dustwrapper, a little dusty with a short closed tear to the upper panel and some light edge wear.

Beryl and Eileen Hunter were gardeners for Stephen Tennant at Wilsford. They began collecting Sassoon's work prior to meeting him, but after he began his love affair with Tennant in the 1920s, they became regular correspondents, and Sassoon would gift them inscribed copies of his work.

Stock ID: 41577


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