TARRANT, Margaret W.

(1888 - 1959)
"do you believe in fairies?"

Born in Battersea Margaret Winifred Tarrant was the daughter of artist Percy Tarrant. Her book illustrations consist mainly of fairies and folk tales or of religious depictions. A great friend of Cicley Mary Barker she also produced a series of enchanting little books about flower fairies. 

See below for our current stock of books illustrated by Margaret Tarrant.

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 Margaret W. TARRANT

Books by this author

Verses for Children

TARRANT, Margaret W.


Games for Playtime & Parties

TARRANT, Margaret W.


Songs With Music

STEVENSON, Robert Louis


Springtime, Children as Apple Blossom Fairies

TARRANT, Margaret W.


Fairies and Poppies

TARRANT, Margaret W.
